Registered Apprenticeship

Recruiting and retaining skilled employees can be challenging. Apprenticeship programs reduce the need for costly recruitment programs by creating a flow of candidates who are already screened and trained. The cost of wages for apprentices is typically less than that for regular employees. Additionally, apprentices who complete a program often feel a commitment to their work and loyalty to their employer.

middle age man in a dress shirt holding a clipboard

If you have any questions, contact us to day to set up a consultation. | 831-763-8872

The California Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) helps employers set up a Registered Apprenticeship (RA) program, including understanding how an apprenticeship works and learning the state standards for education and employment. A DAS Apprenticeship Consultant can help employers determine if grant sources are available to fund the RA program.

Contact: For more information about Registered Apprenticeships, please contact the California Division of Apprenticeship Standards at 916-928-6800 or

Process for Creating a Registered Apprenticeship Program

Employer Determines Essential Job Skills

Employer Identifies Educational Partners and Training Method

DAS Approves Apprenticeship Program

Employer Establishes the Apprenticeship Program Standard

Register Apprentices and Training Begins

Employer Submits Apprenticeship Program to DAS for Approval

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